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Cyprus is a popular choice for individual entrepreneurs and companies looking for ways to lessen their expenses. The aforementioned regime provides unique opportunities to decrease taxes on intangible assets profits such as sale and licensing. In this article, we will look at the ways to use this initiative to pay less on R&D gains and what requirements are to comply with.

How IP Box helps to reduce income tax

One of the key issues for any business is to find ways to lower income tax. Cypriot incentive allows you to keep to a minimum your company’s taxes through such mechanisms as:

  • Beneficial tax rate. Business tax in Cyprus is 12.5%, but this value can be reduced to 2.5% for income earned from intangible property. This reduces the company’s governmental liability, and applies right upon payment of levies at the end of the fiscal year.
  • Expense allowances. Investments that are associated with the production or acquisition of intellectual property may be deductible.
  • International agreements for the avoidance of double taxation. Cyprus has a wide network of double taxation treaties with other countries, allowing companies to minimize risks.

Who is the regime suitable for?

The system is relevant for businesses that engage in R&D activities or own IP. These include:

  • IT firms-developers of software;
  • Biotech companies owning patents on new developments;
  • Pharma sector businesses that profit from drug patents;
  • Media and entertainment corporations that make money from copyrights and brands.

Benefits of IP Box

Cyprus provides one of the most pleasant commercial regimes for copyright facilities in Europe. The main features of the regime include:

  1. Reduced levies: due to the R&D exemption, businesses can tax profits at a reduced rate of around 2.5%.
  2. Broad coverage of inventions and creations: various forms of intangible assets in particular patents, software, trademarks, etc. are covered by the relief.
  3. Fiscal relief on expenses: the R&D initiative allows for the accounting of investments associated with the creation and maintenance of intangible assets, giving additional opportunities to optimize corporate costs.

Income qualification requirements

For revenue to qualify, it must be derived from:

  • Royalties.
  • Licensing.
  • Relevant insurance or indemnity payments.
  • Directly affiliated with the provision of products or services, etc.

It is important that these revenues are derived from activities within the country.

Tax rate on income from intellectual property

The basic tax rate for IP income is 12.5%. However, the following calculation is applied to income that qualifies for the exemption:

  • 80% of profits accrued from the exploitation of intangible assets are not counted for fiscal purposes.
  • Only 20% of the profit is included in the fiscal base.

Thus, the effective rate can be reduced to 2.5%. Additionally, the costs incurred for the creation or purchase of intangible assets can be spread out and amortized over a span of 20 years.

Types of intellectual property assets eligible for the IP Box regime

Not all innovations are subject to preferential taxation. Actives that fall under this regulation are called qualified assets. They are:

  • Patents.
  • Computer software.
  • Other creations that meet the criteria of novelty and usefulness, as evidenced by documents.

Not covered assets:

  • Trade names.
  • Brands.
  • Trademarks.
  • Rights to images.
  • Other rights for the marketing of goods and services.

Intellectual property developed by related parties are also not subject to this system.


Implementing the IP Box regime in Cyprus is an effective strategy for businesses aiming to minimize their financial obligations arising from the intellectual property income. This framework provides significant fiscal relief and simplifies tax management processes. The incentive fosters a favorable environment for innovation, making it easier for businesses to efficiently manage their financial responsibilities.

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